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CXL Live 2018

Attended CXL Live for the first time. Had a great time learning from the very best conversion rate optimizers. I had the opportunity to listen and gather insights from experts in Instagram, Dell, Google, AirBnB, and many other companies. Day 1 was all about growth, on day 2 the topics focused on testing and optimization, and then on day 3 it was more about my!


It was cool meeting the analytics rockstar Moe Kiss , co-host of the Digital Analytics Power Hour with Tim Wilson and Michael Helbling. I also met Rachel Sweeney from Google who gave a presentation about machine learning in marketing and how to build an optimization framework using AI. I had the chance to briefly talk to her about acquiring skills in JavaScript, SQL and Python and I'm grateful for her advice.


Lastly, it was super interesting to listen one of the godfathers of analytics Gary Angel. He gave a talk about expanding digital analytics into the real (non-digital) world. He presented about connecting web data to physical locations with an example of how would analytics work in an sports arena or stadium fricken cool is that? I'm definitely coming back so see you next year CXL!  

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